• “I don’t eat fat”….

    ….words still heard too often…along with “I try to limit the amount of meat my family eats”.  I gave up long ago trying to convert those still worshipping at the government’s Food Pyramid. But I have wondered why the belief persists despite all the evidence that meat can be good for you….and so can the fat. It’s all the more mystifying since the government quietly abandoned the Food Pyramid a long time ago.  And the lead government scientist has even warned against low-fat dieting. The key is in the word “quietly”, according to Nina Teicholz, who says the bureaucrats don’t want to admit they were wrong.  So, a la Lucy, they’ve moved…

  • Settled science….

    ….as a former professional skeptic (read, reporter) I always get suspicious when someone says “settled science”.  I’ve given up far too much coffee, wine, butter and bacon over my wasted years to ever again believe there is such a thing. But below a writer (gasp, from one of my former networks) builds a powerful argument that the argument is over….genetically modified foods have won!  Anyone who blogs and doesn’t agree is a paid hack for the organic lobby.  Well, I wasn’t aware the “organic lobby” has enough money to spread around among journalists but I’ll check my mailbox later. Meanwhile, in the interest of fairness, here is the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2014/09/23/will-the-us-national-academy-of-sciences-fumble-its-reassessment-of-gmos/ Actually, my…

  • Attention, Michelle!!!

    ….your campaign for healthier eating doesn’t hold a candle to the rest of the world.  For one thing, GMO foods are banned most places in Europe and when they eat, they eat lots of meat….and fat. We were reading Lois Aylestock’s Facebook page—she and her husband Doug own Blue Ridge Meats, our butchers—and that’s where I lifted this photo….and also an article about the school lunch program in France.  Made me want to enroll. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-14845/what-french-kids-eat-for-school-lunch-it-puts-americans-to-shame.html

  • About that “Ice Bucket Challenge”….

    ….our favorite farm consultant, Jim Gerrish, says “no thank you”!  From his Facebook: Gerrish September 3 at 5:33pm ·  I agree with Jordan on my unwillingness to participate in the ALS ice bucket challenge because I do not believe sending funds to any of the so-called medical research foundations will do anything to cure these diseases. The G.A.M.P.I. (government-agricultural-medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex) created most of our chronic health problems. Supporting them will not bring us any closer to a solution. Healthy soils and healthy foods is what creates our own health and well-being. You can better contribute to a healthier future each time you make a food purchase outside the GAMPI.

  • Move along…nothing to see here….

    So it’s a million pigs….not to worry.  Notice that the story says the farm is owned by Smithfield’s in Virginia….not that Smithfield’s is owned by China as in Beijing!  Besides, our government says the pork is perfectly safe…just like all that ground beef with USDA labels. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/58369640-78/pedv-animal-virus-state.html.csp

  • Everybody knows that…..

    ….at least everybody who reads this blog, or any of the others that are built around grass fed meat. Turns out the government and the scientific establishment have been wrong for decades…forget low-fat diets.  Cut out the carbs and eat all the healthy fats you want….particularly on grass fed beef and pastured pork! That’s the conclusion of the latest study: http://www.meatingplace.com/Industry/News/Details/52562 I couldn’t count the number of times people have told me they’ve cut down on red meat…or cut it out entirely.  Worse they’ve inflicted their “diet” on their family, particularly their kids.  Usually it is in the context of saying they could never use a 15-pound box of our…

  • Look up chutzpah….

    ….and you’ll find the Monsanto logo. The evil genius of this gigantic corporation is demonstrated anew with its campaign to co-opt the National Honeybee Day.  Bees, like butterflies, have rapidly been disappearing from the planet…a critical threat to growers around the world. As reported by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Monsanto moved in (as it has into the White House) to claim it wanted nothing more than to save the bees.  Turns out Monsanto has as much clout with the British ag department, DEFRA, as it has with our own USDA.  It’s clear that they have corrupted the entire regulatory process with the enthusiastic cooperation of universities and government bureaucrats. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/02/save-bees-against-monsanto.aspx

  • Driving a steak (sic) through the heart….

    ….of the fat and cholesterol nonsense. This week’s Dr. Joseph Mercola column sums up all the recent research on saturated fats and cholesterol and concludes we’ve been “had”.  Natural saturated fats are great for you….and so are high cholesterol numbers!  What? The real villain, of course, is sugar! So who sold us the bill of goods?  To quote Mercola: With regard to heart health, nutrition policy has been derailed over the past half-century by corporate greed, political agendas, and bad science A new meta-analysis involving a half million people found that those eating more saturated fats do NOT have more heart disease than those eating less Cholesterol is critical for building…

  • As we were saying….

    ….we’ve been warning that you’re making a mistake if you buy pork or chicken these days at a restaurant or supermarket.  Most likely it was “Made in China”…although it’s not required to carry a label. The Chinese simply don’t have the same health standards as our own (a pretty low bar) and Big Ag and our government care more about protecting Chinese imports than your well-being.  Here’s only the latest story: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-24/china-meat-scare-adds-foreign-suppliers-to-food-worries.html

  • A chance to see “Cereal Killers”….

    ….the producers of this excellent movie have made it available on-line through July 4th. “Cereal Killers” graphically demolishes the myth that you have to cut out the fat or you’ll get fat.  We ran into some “believers” in the notorious Food Pyramid this past weekend selling introductory packages of burger at the local Ruritan Park. Increasingly we find that we don’t have to explain the benefits of grass fed beef.  More and more people come up to our booth saying something like:  “we’ve been looking for this”!  But still the “Fat is Bad” myth persists; and in nor small measure because of uneducated doctors. Or, more accurately, doctors who were educated…