Diet,  Food,  Health

Everybody knows that…..

….at least everybody who reads this blog, or any of the others that are built around grass fed meat.

Turns out the government and the scientific establishment have been wrong for decades…forget low-fat diets.  Cut out the carbs and eat all the healthy fats you want….particularly on grass fed beef and pastured pork!

That’s the conclusion of the latest study:

I couldn’t count the number of times people have told me they’ve cut down on red meat…or cut it out entirely.  Worse they’ve inflicted their “diet” on their family, particularly their kids.  Usually it is in the context of saying they could never use a 15-pound box of our beef….much less a quarter or a side.

Used to be I would try to explain that grass fed beef is good for them and not just “alright”.   We even visited a friend in a hospital, victim of a heart attack, and the doctors were forcing him to watch a video about recovery.  Rule One was “stay away from beef”!  But I gave up a few years ago and left the battlefield to Wooz.  Guess I’ll have to try some more.

But, truthfully, it also used to be that we had to explain the benefits of grass fed beef.  Today, when we are in our booth at an event, people come up to us to tell us how great it has been for them.


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