• Public Enemy #1….

    ….Sugar!  (you thought I was going to say Monsanto, didn’t you?) In a column today, Dr. Joseph Mercola  gives the most complete rundown I’ve seen on the Unholy Alliance of Big Ag and Big Government that has resulted in this country having the highest health care costs and the poorest health in the industrialized world.  This focus on sugar, and particularly high fructose corn syrup, is at the heart of the obesity epidemic and the associated problems of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Worth reading every word! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/03/29/sugar-consumption-healthcare-costs.aspx

  • A “take-down” of Whole Foods….

    ….outrage over the discovery that Whole Foods is a business…and not above taking advantage of the gullibility of some of its customers.  There’s also some anti-creationism thrown in.  Still, this is kind of amusing, particularly if you stick around for the comments. And worth plowing through just for this college-boy insight:  “Very few of us are anywhere near rational.  And pretty much all of are hypocrites.”   It’s a good line, though. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/23/whole-foods-america-s-temple-of-pseudoscience.html Thanks to Linda Rozett for the link.

  • The war on farmers….

    ….continuing the theme of an earlier post.  The government continues to get really tough…on farmers who aren’t causing the problems.  Again and again, it’s clear that the real threat to our health comes from factory farms and factory food processing. But it’s a lot easier to go after the little guy. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-food-safety-20140223,0,6831660.story#axzz2u528ngu5

  • Eat it….it’s good for you….

    ….no, not your spinach (although that’s good for you, too). I was thinking of all the things experts have told us through the years were bad for us (or good for us).  And now, here I am finally authorized to eat eggs, bacon, beef, as long as it’s grass fed, coffee and, of course:   Red Wine! http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/02/more-evidence-that-red-wine-and-aspirin-protect-against-cancer/

  • A list of what’s ailing us….

    ….a list of the major factors impacting our health.  When you read the list, you can’t help wonder if “Experts” should be at the top. http://www.businessinsider.com/whats-wrong-with-the-modern-diet-charts-2014-2 And then of course there’s eggs.  They must be killers! http://authoritynutrition.com/how-many-eggs-should-you-eat/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AuthorityNutrition+%28Authority+Nutrition%29  

  • Scare tactics….

    ….some time ago the internet was having fun with “exploding” animals…generally drone strikes…and most often pigs.  But now the food chain Chipotle has taken the art form to a new level….”exploding cows”. It Chipotle’s way of warning of the dangers of eating beef at competing fast food chains (and supermarkets, we might add). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5_D0rdqeAs

  • Put a little “life” in your diet…

      ….try organ meats.  Traditionally, of course, things like liver and kidney have always been considered “low class” cuts.  But they are the most healthful part of the animal. It’s not a good idea to risk buying organ meats at the supermarket, but if you know your farmer, there’s nothing better. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/12/30/eating-organ-meats.aspx You can, of course, special order organ meats from Thistle Hill and we’ll share from our private stock.   http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/12/30/eating-organ-meats.aspx

  • “Mad cow” in Germany….

    ….for the first time in five years, a case of “Mad Cow” disease has been discovered in Germany and several of her offspring did make it into the food chain.  Others were still on the farm, but the story doesn’t say if they were infected. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-18/germany-finds-mad-cow-disease-in-bovine-in-first-case-since-2009.html If you read carefully, you can see that the experts really don’t know what causes “Mad Cow”…..generally it is claimed it is due to contaminated feed…or feed made from animal by-products.  My own non-expert opinion, with absolutely no scientific training, is that the “experts” should consider the pesticides that are routinely sprayed on commercial cows….particularly those that attack the nervous system. Examining the chemicals…

  • I’m from the government…..

      …and I’m here to protect you.  Not! The USDA is announcing a plan to open our markets to cattle and beef from Brazil….despite the fact that that country is plagued by Foot and Mouth Disease…the most deadly disease that can infect cattle. Apparently the plan is to chop down the prices US cattlemen have been getting for beef.  Brazil’s herd is about three times the size of the American herd, so this should do it.  Thanks to Bill Roberts for this link: http://r-calfusa.com/news_releases/2013/131220-Brazil.htm When they get here, the meat and live animals will presumably be inspected by the same crack teams that have passed these chickens.  (not to mention all…

  • ADHD….an epidemic or a fiction?

    The popular wisdom is that we’re facing an ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) epidemic.  Some experts trace it to diet…others to genetically modified foods…or to herbicides.  And then there are those who say it’s not a disease at all….unless you count bureaucrats grabbing onto federal dollars if they can find ADHD in the classroom. How else to account for the wild swings from state to state, with the highest incidence of the “disease” where the bucks are going.  We just don’t know but certainly we had “rowdy” kids when I went to school….standing in the corner or a trip to the principals office seemed to chill them out. Dr. Joseph…