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We knew her “when”….

….Thistle Hill is fortunate in the company it gets.  I guess it’s because we try so many things and have become a real world laboratory.  We’ve hosted visitors from around the world and learned from them all.

One who stopped by last year was Sarah Flack, a young forage expert.  She was writing a book (see the link below describing her visit) and now a mutual friend, Jim Gerrish, reports that Sarah’s book is coming out.   We consider Jim at the top of the list of forage experts and that he would give a boost to someone new to the field is, as they say, “the mark of the man”.  (You have to scroll down a little to read about the book.


We’re certainly looking forward to the book and we wanted to mention that, like Jim Gerrish, Sarah combines book-learning with real world experience.  Her father, Doug has been a major force in the Milking Devon world….a man always noted for sharing his knowledge.  It runs in the family apparently.

Now here is a link to our original post about Sarah’s visit to Thistle Hill.

Not in your wildest dreams…

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