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Once more with feeling…

….we were at a party last night where, once more, someone in one of the conversation circles, announced her family “just doesn’t eat much red meat anymore”.  Not a vegetarian exactly, you understand, just would rather not eat much red meat.

Because I was a guest (and off-duty), I again let the remark pass.  I did not tell the lady that the chicken and pork she was feeding her family was a whole lot worse for them than red meat.  But still, despite all the evidence, it’s my impression that most of the experts today are still cautioning against “too much”, whatever that is, red meat.

We’ve linked to various scientific studies here with what seem to be overwhelming evidence that grass fed red meat is good for you and you should be eating a lot of it.  It is not fattening, it does not clog your arteries, and it is not loaded with all sorts of bad stuff.  What is more controversial, but we think persuasive, are studies indicating the harm you do by not eating red meat.

But man (and when he was feeling generous, or in the mood, woman) grew up for millions of years eating almost nothing but red meat.  And they had none of the diseases we are plagued with today.  There are even plenty of studies that underscore the harm you do yourself, and particularly your children, by staying away from red meat.  Here’s a recent article that makes the point:

The real culprit is pretty well known but there are a lot of forces working together to make sure you leave the supermarket with plenty of so-called food in fancy packages.  Staying with the theme here of keeping it simple, here’s something you should read that we saw on cattleman Kit Pharo’s website just today.  Here is a writer who “nails” the real villain.

For years of course the food industry has practised a marvelous deception….aided by the government and a medical profession that was educated by the drug industry…pointing to red meat as the cause for what ails us.  The real cause has been processed foods, the ones that are cheap to produce and can be marketed with the fancy packages.

Those processed foods, as we pointed out recently, are the ones with the high margins….not meat.  Not only are the contents a small fraction of the sticker price but they come with plenty of additives which are included precisely because they are addictive.  Sugar and salt are the major, but not only, culprits.

Here’s an original thought:  follow the money!

And that’s why the whole food industry fought so ferociously, and underhandedly, against the Low Carbohydrate diet.  It came dangerously close to exposing the Big Lie about the food we eat.

So no, it is neither smart nor noble to boast that “we don’t eat very much red meat anymore”.  But, because I enjoy a party as much as the next guy, I just move away for another glass of red.

One Comment

  • Jim Gerrish

    Well stated, David. The sooner we can overthrow the sugar and grain cartels, the healthier we will all be. EAT MORE RED MEAT! for health & well being.

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