Breeding,  Bulls,  Cows,  David,  Prince

Just friends…

…we hope.  Our cover bull Prince…who is causing something of a stir in Devon circles…and is our cover bull this year.

Prince and WDM2

Prince is on the left…sharing some unrolled hay with a cow we hope he doesn’t get to friendly with.  WMD2 is the female…a cow we hope is carrying a Potheridge President embryo.

The job of the cover bull is to find any cow that is open…that is where the embryo hasn’t taken…and finish the job.  By the calendar two cycles should have passed without heat…so we’re hoping this Tête-à-tête-is just a coincidence.; that she is indeed carrying the Potheridge embryo.

We won’t know for sure until there’s a pregnancy check…in fact, not until there’s a DNA reading.

Either way we have high hopes for the calf.  President was probably the most famous bull of all time but his progeny have all but disappeared.  Prince is an English bull from the Tulip line, almost as well-known.

In all we implanted a half dozen Potheridge President embryos this year.  One recip definitely went into heat and was serviced by Prince.  We’ll be sure to post the final results.


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