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Eating the baby….

A diner in England has garnered a lot of publicity by offering a “Kidz Breakfast” which they claim weighs as much as a baby.  No one seems to have succeeded in polishing off the breakfast until now,  which is when Robert Pinto walked in and “ate the whole thing”….9 pounds of bacon and eggs…and sausage.

It prompted calls for it to be banned and had one expert warning that someone could die after eating it. But the “Kidz Breakfast”, described as weighing the same as a small child, has remained the talk of a Norfolk seaside town.

Consisting of a dozen sausages, 12 bacon rashers and enough eggs to be produced from a coop of chickens in a week, Jesters Diner’s fry-up in Great Yarmouth contains more than 6,000 calories and weighs in at 9lb (4.08kg).

You can read the article by clicking below:

We note two things about the story:

First, usually these competition eaters are huge men.  This bloke weighed just 70 kilos, or 154 pounds.  How does he stay that thin?

Well, second, perhaps you noticed as I did that there are a lot of calories in that breakfast but no—NO—carbohydrates.  Again, we recommend the Gary Taubes book “Why We Get Fat“.

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