• The unending war continues…

    …no not the one in Afghanistan but the fight over Roundup…the herbicide banned most places but here.  It’s been going on almost as long! It’s a controversy that has, if nothing else, revealed the unholy alliance between Big Pharma and the government which is “here to protect us”. Along the way, there’ve been many successful lawsuits and government (not U.S.) bans against using the product.  Now Bayer is advancing the defense that since the American government hasn’t outlawed its use, cancer victims have no right to sue for damages and wrongful death.  Meanwhile Bayer plans to continue selling Roundup but under a new name. Joel Salatin in his latest blog…

  • The system circles the wagons…

    ..for 20 years I’ve been railing against glysophate…a chemical herbicide that Monsanto has been selling worldwide under the trade name “Round-up”. A number of studies have identified it as a carcinogen and a few farmers have successfully sued Monsanto for damages. Now however the EPA has declared glysophate entirely safe, putting millions of dollars in court awards in jeopardy. And more than that our health in jeopardy…particularly because glysophate/Round-up is invariably used in growing GMO foods. In short, glysophate is spread on almost all the vegetables we eat folks and the government, Big Chemicals and Big Ag are going to keep it that way. Joel Saladin is a natural grower…

  • Et tu, Vladimir….

    ….finally, Monsanto has met its match!  (Thanks to Lois Aylestock of Blue Ridge Meats for the link) http://www.ewao.com/a/russia-decided-ban-use-genetically-modified-ingredients-food-production/

  • A special place in hell….

    ….reserved for Monsanto, I trust.  Now they’ve found Roundup in California wines….not some of them….all of them.  Even the organic wines! Thanks to Church Matthews for the link. http://naturalsociety.com/glyphosate-california-wines-tested-6795/

  • The Christmas Tree bill….

    ….perhaps the greatest wrongs committed in Washington are discovered too-late in what is known as the Christmas Tree bill.  That’s when all the pet projects of all the corrupt lawmakers are loaded onto a “must-pass” bill to keep the government running.  It comes up for a vote—all the bad stuff hidden among the required stuff—at the last minute before the politicians head home for the holidays. This year, the Christmas Tree bill was that Omnibus spending bill rammed through by Speaker Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi.  Let’s say you’re a lawmaker and you have a bank in your district that wants to confiscate the savings of widows and orphans. Well, you put…

  • We’re in the very best of hands….

    ….that is if you depend on locally-grown food from a farmer you can trust.  If you’re depending on the USDA, not so much.  The Government Accounting Office has investigated the USDA’s testing procedures and found them serious lacking.  Turns out the government checks only a miniscule amount of foods for toxic residue…..and when it comes to genetically-modified foods, it’s even worse. An official admits they don’t even check Monsanto’s Roundup and its’ deadly glyphosate.  The explanation is that testing for that would be “too expensive”.  Here’s a summary of the eye-opening report from Dr. Joseph Mercola: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/27/glyphosate-gmo-pesticide-residue.aspx?e_cid=20150127Z1_DNL_RTLB_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150127Z1_RTLB&et_cid=DM67623&et_rid=820169969    

  • Settled science….

    ….as a former professional skeptic (read, reporter) I always get suspicious when someone says “settled science”.  I’ve given up far too much coffee, wine, butter and bacon over my wasted years to ever again believe there is such a thing. But below a writer (gasp, from one of my former networks) builds a powerful argument that the argument is over….genetically modified foods have won!  Anyone who blogs and doesn’t agree is a paid hack for the organic lobby.  Well, I wasn’t aware the “organic lobby” has enough money to spread around among journalists but I’ll check my mailbox later. Meanwhile, in the interest of fairness, here is the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2014/09/23/will-the-us-national-academy-of-sciences-fumble-its-reassessment-of-gmos/ Actually, my…

  • Round-up (glysophate) is just about everywhere…

    ….we’ve made the point here that genetically-modified foods may or may not pose a health risk, but there’s no doubt that the wide-spread use of Monsanto’s Round-up in raising GMO crops certainly does.  It’s also true that wheat farmers apply heavy doses of Round-up in their fields….and right before harvest….though wheat is not a GMO crop. And Dr. Joseph Mercola believes the increased use of Round-up is linked to the increased incidence of celiac disease. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/14/glyphosate-celiac-disease-connection.aspx

  • Look up chutzpah….

    ….and you’ll find the Monsanto logo. The evil genius of this gigantic corporation is demonstrated anew with its campaign to co-opt the National Honeybee Day.  Bees, like butterflies, have rapidly been disappearing from the planet…a critical threat to growers around the world. As reported by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Monsanto moved in (as it has into the White House) to claim it wanted nothing more than to save the bees.  Turns out Monsanto has as much clout with the British ag department, DEFRA, as it has with our own USDA.  It’s clear that they have corrupted the entire regulatory process with the enthusiastic cooperation of universities and government bureaucrats. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/02/save-bees-against-monsanto.aspx