• Now here’s a Christmas story….

    ….we often get requests for standing rib roasts….particularly at Christmas time.  But we fear we would cheat too many of our regular customers so we are resigned to disappoint….even ourselves. But just to understand what we’re missing, British TV chef (and Devon farmer) Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s salute to a real Christmas decoration! http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2001/dec/09/foodanddrink.recipes2 Hugh F-W, as many of you know, has written the premier book on preparing all meats:  “The River Cottage Meat Cook”.  A gift idea for your favorite chef.  He doesn’t call it a Cook-book because it is more than a collection of receipes, it is an appreciation of meat in all its varieties.  All vegetarians should read it!…

  • Don’t let this get around….

    ….an explosive statement by a Boston University professor- physician-cancer expert: A low carb-high fat diet is as effective in treating cancer as chemotherapy.  So why isn’t it prescribed?  According to this man, simply because “there’s no money in it.”  If Dr. Thomas Seyfried is right, we’re going to have to add Big Cancer to our villains list of Big Ag, Big Government and Big Chemical Companies. As he puts it:  “There are more people making a living off cancer than dying of it!”  Read the whole thing: http://www.examiner.com/article/low-carb-ketogenic-diet-beats-chemo-for-most-cancers-says-dr-thomas-seyfried

  • Everybody knows that….

    …..but did you know why most of the grass fed beef you buy in the store….or on-line….is not raised in the United States?  And did you know an examination of  beef carcasses shows a residue of more than 200 drugs…not to mention heavy metals? These are just a few of the facts Dr. Joseph Mercola ticks off in his latest blog. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/11/25/shocking-facts-meat-industry.aspx?e_cid=20141125Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20141125Z1&et_cid=DM62652&et_rid=741189104  

  • Enjoy your pork chops….

    ….and if they’re from the supermarket…or you’re eating at most restaurants….it would be better not to focus on this picture.  These are mama pigs….waiting to be bred or waiting to birth…or just waiting.  It’s how they spend their entire lives….not just during breeding…..in cages so small they can’t turn around…lying in their own waste…filled with antibiotics and steroids…just so we can have “cheap food”. We’re supposed to believe this protects the young so Mom doesn’t roll over on them.  It does happen, in small confinement pens, but not in the open.  Pigs are incredibly athletic and they know very well how to care for their young. For contrast, here’s a young…

  • Losing the war on drugs….

    ….no, not those drugs.  I mean the campaign to reduce the number and amount of antibiotics fed to animals.  It’s a bigger market than the human market, so the odds aren’t good. The fact is, antibiotic resistance is a “killer”….about 23,000 Americans die every year because of diseases that have built a barrier to antibiotic cures. Again, Dr. Joseph Mercola with the story… http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/10/29/antibiotics-meat-production.aspx?e_cid=20141029Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20141029Z1&et_cid=DM58819&et_rid=709962860

  • Sugar is still the problem….

    ….just when I thought I had cut out sugar in all its variations, along comes Dr. Joseph Mercola with nutritionist J.J. Virgin to tell me I’ve barely begun! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/11/02/high-sugar-impact-diet.aspx?e_cid=20141102Z1_SNL_art_1&utm_source=snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20141102Z1&et_cid=DM59372&et_rid=713193555

  • “I don’t eat fat”….

    ….words still heard too often…along with “I try to limit the amount of meat my family eats”.  I gave up long ago trying to convert those still worshipping at the government’s Food Pyramid. But I have wondered why the belief persists despite all the evidence that meat can be good for you….and so can the fat. It’s all the more mystifying since the government quietly abandoned the Food Pyramid a long time ago.  And the lead government scientist has even warned against low-fat dieting. The key is in the word “quietly”, according to Nina Teicholz, who says the bureaucrats don’t want to admit they were wrong.  So, a la Lucy, they’ve moved…

  • Settled science….

    ….as a former professional skeptic (read, reporter) I always get suspicious when someone says “settled science”.  I’ve given up far too much coffee, wine, butter and bacon over my wasted years to ever again believe there is such a thing. But below a writer (gasp, from one of my former networks) builds a powerful argument that the argument is over….genetically modified foods have won!  Anyone who blogs and doesn’t agree is a paid hack for the organic lobby.  Well, I wasn’t aware the “organic lobby” has enough money to spread around among journalists but I’ll check my mailbox later. Meanwhile, in the interest of fairness, here is the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2014/09/23/will-the-us-national-academy-of-sciences-fumble-its-reassessment-of-gmos/ Actually, my…

  • Attention, Michelle!!!

    ….your campaign for healthier eating doesn’t hold a candle to the rest of the world.  For one thing, GMO foods are banned most places in Europe and when they eat, they eat lots of meat….and fat. We were reading Lois Aylestock’s Facebook page—she and her husband Doug own Blue Ridge Meats, our butchers—and that’s where I lifted this photo….and also an article about the school lunch program in France.  Made me want to enroll. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-14845/what-french-kids-eat-for-school-lunch-it-puts-americans-to-shame.html

  • Ladies in Beef….

    ….is an organization in England  which promotes beef consumption…and our very own Juliet Cleave is right in the center of things (as usual).  Right now they’re doing a television campaign plugging roasts as an easy mid-week meal. What could be better than a roast in the crockpot….toss in whatever you find in the refrigerator and bins and…voila!