
Winter Wonderland….

….but for some reason,  I wasn’t singing.IMG_1465

Right now 21 inches….but from radar I would say we’re going to wind up closer to 3 feet.  This first run with the plow was to try to make the final job easier….and also clear  a path to the pigs.

Just a few miles to the north, Brooke Henley and her husband,Tom,image1 ventured out into their pasture to see how their cows were doing.  Better than Brooke and Tom I would say.

We are somewhat concerned about our 20 new calves…all two weeks old or less…but in the past we’ve found the mothers do a good job of protecting them.  And we do have plenty of natural cover…and pre-positioned hay.


  • Eric Smith

    I’m curious to know if you have purposely switched to winter calving or if you had any troubles with fall calving that naturally drove your herd away from fall calving. Is your whole herd winter calving now? Thanks David!

    • David

      A combination of many factors Eric: for several years, we’ve concentrated on Embryo Transplants….and we like to wait 30 days before putting the recip in with a cover bull. So each year we’ve slipped a bit more. We’ve also been side-tracked by serious health concerns. Then, at 81, I don’t move as quickly as I once did. Ideally I would like to calve about Oct 1….but we’re getting so far behind, we may wind up with a spring herd.

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