
Tie breaking vote…

Ever since he calved two years ago, Blizzard here has been one of our leading candidates for Thistle Hill herd bull.  He’s the son of Watson and what is probably our best cost and visitors generally singled him out.  But we wavered between Blizzard (technically U180) and U2.  Also a Watson son but by another damn.

Now, the decision has been made for us.  Michael Heller of Clagett Farm near Upper Marlboro has purchased Blizzard for his herd.  It was a tough decision for him, too, partly because he wasn’t sure about Blizzard status as a horned bull.  Of course, it’s unlikely that there’ll be any horned calves since all Michael’s females are polled (without horns, that is).

The parting is made only a little easier by the knowledge we have several of his brothers coming along….mated to the Rotokawa great, 688!

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