
They’re not making it easy….

20140502_101556….the main herd moving into the pen for preg checks.  With stocking rate just about max, we’re putting more pressure on selection but the cows wouldn’t cooperate.  They’re all pregnant.

We used two bulls this year to keep the genetic lines separate:  U2 and Jackpot.  U2 comes out of Rotokawa 974; Jackpot from Rotokawa 688.  Both are now for sale to make room for their sons.

The only open Devon was a freemartin (for our non-farm readers, that’s a female who was twinned and they’re often sterile) but we’re saving her for meat.  We understand a freemartin is outstanding in that category.

It was a long day…we also had calves to dehorn and, in most cases, steer.  But Devon cows behave beautifully so there’s no stress for them….or us!.

The one sad note was at the very end we had to dispose of our last remaining Angus.  She could no longer keep up with the herd, clearly suffered in winter, was mostly blind, and so it was a merciful end to a distinguished career with an unbroken string of calves and never a need for a vet.

Her life ended in the only pastures she had known for almost 17 years.  Thank you Miss Piggy.  And we wish you year-around lush, green grass and endless calves to nurse in cow heaven.


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