
The most powerful medicine….

….speaking of miracles, as philosopher Wendell Berry was in the previous post….what could be more miraculous than the power of just plain old food?  (And of course what could be more difficult to find nowadays than just “plain old food”?)

We noticed another major hamburger recall this week.  They’re so frequent that the media hardly covers them any longer.  And no one bothers to point out that all this tainted meat comes from government-inspected factories while the government is busy trying to shut down small farmers and processors.

But the point of this is how to keep your medical bills down.  Grass fed beef, of course.  And particularly those cuts that very few people know how to cook.  Of the roughly 75 families that buy our meat, only three have ever purchased organ meats:  tongue, liver and heart.  For their table, that is.  A few use it for pet food.

Here’s Paleo columnist Chris Kresser, who sums up the case for the major organ meats and even includes recipes you may wish to try.


If organs are a bit more than you can handle, there’s always plain old steak.  It’s good for you, too.  Put it together with spinach and you apparently have a potion to ward off Alzheimer’s disease.



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