
Profit is a beautiful word….

….I’m always amused at the number of people (from a political leader I know down to a well-known cattle consultant) who disparage profit.  The harshest critics of profit tend to be those who produce nothing themselves and live off the profits of others.  But I’ll save that for another post.

I guess it’s why the consultants we hang onto (and convert to friends to save expenses) are those who don’t just talk…but do.

My favorite quote on the subject has always been Dave Pratt’s:  “If it’s not profitable, it’s not sustainable!”  And we owe a lot to Dave Pratt’s “Ranching for Profit” education for his input into Thistle Hill.

Another friend, Kit Pharo, is a believer in profit.  In his latest newsletter he sums up the whole subject of profit this way:

Profitable ranchers manage their grass in such a way that they are able to increases grass production by 50% to well over 200%.   This allows them to graze year-round – with more cows and with very few (if any) inputs.   

Profitable ranchers work with nature – instead of against it.   

Profitable ranchers focus on pounds (and profit) per acre – instead of on pounds per calf.   

Profitable ranchers know that the easiest money they will ever make is the money they DON’T spend (a penny saved is a penny earned).   

Profitable ranchers know they are in the business of converting FREE Solar Energy into a high-quality food product – and when properly done, the cow will do nearly all of the work for them.   

Profitable ranchers know they must produce low-maintenance cows that fit the environment – instead of artificially changing the environment (with high-priced inputs) to fit their cows.



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