
New to the heifer pasture….

….and we guess it’s because all four of our new piglets are female.  They continue to tour but in a somewhat smaller circle and are now right at home with our yearling heifers.  They quickly learned to stay clear of the hind legs and are quite bold….as long as the cows are in front.  They’ve also made friends with our guard donkey, Jack, and they even nuzzle each other from time to time.

But no matter how far they roam, the piglets are able to hear the sound of our Gator when we crank it up back at the house.  And they’re waiting for dinner in their pen when we drive up.  Well, three of them are.  They take the direct route through the intervening wire fences. One is already too big for that, and waits for us at the gate….alternating between panic and crying!  Yes, pigs cry.

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