Family,  Health

Pardon the bragging….

….but it’s pretty hard not to when you have six children, 14 grandchildren, a great-grandchild and another on the way.  Seems something exciting is always happening around here.

This year of course grandson Church has been off in Idaho working at Jim Gerrish’s Idaho ranch.  We were really proud when Jim left our 18-year old grandson in charge of the herd so he could go on a speaking tour while Dawn had family business to take care of.  So far there’ve been only two calls….one to say everything was under control, the other to ask for the brand name of a particular wrench Jim favors.

Another grandson is entering Virginia’s William and Mary College, which is a kind of family tradition.  A granddaughter graduated from Indiana University in Journalism, another tradition.  And I survived a fall from the truck.  So you can see we’re doing pretty well.

But here’s where I’m going:  daughter Carolyn, a cancer surgeon at the Baylor University Medical Center, was recently featured by CBS on the series, “The Doctors” performing a robotic operation.  The host called it “the Olympics of surgery”, which I kinda liked.  Carolyn has switched much of her professional attention to integrative medicine and particularly the role of nutrition in good health.  We’ve featured her articles here in the past and now it’s show time!

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