• Everybody knows that…..

    ….at least everybody who reads this blog, or any of the others that are built around grass fed meat. Turns out the government and the scientific establishment have been wrong for decades…forget low-fat diets.  Cut out the carbs and eat all the healthy fats you want….particularly on grass fed beef and pastured pork! That’s the conclusion of the latest study: http://www.meatingplace.com/Industry/News/Details/52562 I couldn’t count the number of times people have told me they’ve cut down on red meat…or cut it out entirely.  Worse they’ve inflicted their “diet” on their family, particularly their kids.  Usually it is in the context of saying they could never use a 15-pound box of our…

  • Look up chutzpah….

    ….and you’ll find the Monsanto logo. The evil genius of this gigantic corporation is demonstrated anew with its campaign to co-opt the National Honeybee Day.  Bees, like butterflies, have rapidly been disappearing from the planet…a critical threat to growers around the world. As reported by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Monsanto moved in (as it has into the White House) to claim it wanted nothing more than to save the bees.  Turns out Monsanto has as much clout with the British ag department, DEFRA, as it has with our own USDA.  It’s clear that they have corrupted the entire regulatory process with the enthusiastic cooperation of universities and government bureaucrats. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/02/save-bees-against-monsanto.aspx