• Myth busting – Part 3….

    ….I’m from the government and I’m here to protect you. Bt toxin has been around for a long time; a major ingredient in pesticides farmers use on crops such as corn.  But those clever folks at Monsanto developed Genetically Modified Corn that puts the Bt toxin right in the seed. Well, along with all the reservations about GMO food, some experts worried that it would only be a matter of time before those clever bugs developed a resistance to Monsanto’s “wonder seed”.  Even the government’s own advisory panel argued against the product but, of course, the USDA ignored it’s own experts and sided with Monsanto. So now, the expected as…

  • Gilding the lily….

    ….that’s pretty much what I think about bacon recipes.  Really can’t imagine anything improving the flavor and aroma of lovely Tamworth bacon (from Thistle Hill, of course). But recently the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund had a “Baconpalooza” event at Polyface Farms in Virginia…and 250 people jammed Joel Salatin’s farm near Staunton to bear witness.  The winner was Russ Crandall, who blogs under the name “The Domestic Man”. Maybe some cold and slow winter day, I’ll try it. http://thedomesticman.com/2013/09/10/bourbon-and-cider-braised-bacon/?utm_source=September+15+Newsletter+-+New+Edition&utm_campaign=130915&utm_medium=email

  • Myth busting – Part 2….

    From time to time we’re asked why we’re not organic….”just” grass fed. Well, for openers I don’t want the government approving or disapproving of what I choose to eat.  I can’t think of any personal freedom more important than that.  But beyond that, you can farm “organically” and still do terrible things to your cows, your land and yourself…..and the consumer is none the wiser.  The label, he thinks, tells him all he needs to know.  Reassured, he goes on to other worries. Meanwhile, the “idea” of organic has been corrupted by the usual alliance between the government and big business, including Big Ag. http://www.cornucopia.org/USDA/OrganicWatergateWhitePaper.pdf I’d like to comment:  “there…

  • Myth-busting – Part 1….

    ….we don’t make a big thing of it, but we’re basically gluten-free in our kitchen.  Wooz believes in it; I just feel better and it also helps keep my weight down.  As for the science of it, I’m an agnostic. Is the whole thing just a fad?  Hype? Here’s an article that’s fun with all the science on the subject you could possibly want: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/gluten-free-fad/#axzz2e9JiOVRs?utm_source=September+15+Newsletter+-+New+Edition&utm_campaign=130915&utm_medium=email Note:  we found the link on the US Wellness website.