• A harsh life sometimes…even today…

    ….almost daily, we hear of heart-breaking stories of cattlemen who have had to give up because of the drought which has killed everything green in so much of the country.  There is no magic or modern miracle to save them.  And most of the country isn’t even aware of the tragedy. Nature really can’t be tamed.  Easy to forget today in cities where everything is at the push of the button and the meat in the grocery stores comes from “animals that were not harmed” in the process.  Easy to forget even at Thistle Hill, though we’ve lost calves on rare occasion in snow drifts or bitter cold. So we feel…

  • More reverberations….

    ….from the “Monsanto protection act”. Increasingly, Congress has moved away from regular order in handling potentially controversial issues.  Like genetically modified crops. It’s common now to simply skip committee hearings and floor votes.  Just find a complicated bill and slip in some extra language nobody will notice….until it’s too late.  You almost get the feeling they really don’t care what we think. http://www.newsmax.com/newswidget/Monsanto-bill-protection-food/2013/04/01/id/497254?promo_code=EB8D-1&utm_source=National_Review&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1