• This little piggy…

    …went to the freezer. Two of the pigs we’ll be harvesting between now and the holidays. They’ve passed 250 pounds and the closer they are to 300, the better we like them. These are mulefoot pigs…descendants of pigs brought here by the early Spanish explorers. Their diet now should be adding some acorns from trees in this pasture. And that’s the combination that made the flavor of Spanish ham famous worldwide….at $60/pound the imported price today! I’ve already ordered my holiday pig! Have you? Spanish pork at American prices. Call Church at (214) 802-1283 or churchhh@gmail.com David

  • Grass update….

    We’ve never gone into the fall and winter with this much reserve grass. It’s called stockpiling and Church is stockpiling about 70 acres which is just over half our total acreage. The best I ever managed was about 40 acres. This field was underwater the first part of the year. We think it’s switchgrass…a native grass that does particularly well with “wet feet”. An adjacent pasture with reed canary grass handled the flooding but not this well. The trick now is to get it consumed while it’s in this nutritious stage. Eventually it will probably grow to about 8 feet and be unpalatable. But for now it takes the pressure…

  • It’s not too late…

    …to purchase Thistle Hill burger for summer grilling. Our family gets great satisfaction in reading notes like this one from Bill E. It’s almost like we’re at the Outer Banks, too! We have the whole family at the beach in North Carolina for the week. We brought down 7 lbs of our most recent thistle hill ground beef. Our son made hamburgers for everyone. Of course they were spectacular and got added kudos when I told the family that this was local grass fed beef from my neighbor. Bill E. Thistle Hill Farm complete price list. Or call or write Church at (214) 802-1283 or info@thistlehill.net David