• You’ll have to use your imagination….

    ….impressed by the various dishes she’s seen here, daughter Linda sent in her own.   It’s (or was) a maple mustard ham steak with sherry raisin sauce. Words like “delicious” and “fantastic” accompanied the photo…but nothing about “come on over and taste it!”  This is actually the first time she and Bill have tried our Thistle Hill pork.  (Paying customers come first!)     Maple mustard ham steak with sherry raisin sauce

  • We’re in the very best of hands….

    ….that is if you depend on locally-grown food from a farmer you can trust.  If you’re depending on the USDA, not so much.  The Government Accounting Office has investigated the USDA’s testing procedures and found them serious lacking.  Turns out the government checks only a miniscule amount of foods for toxic residue…..and when it comes to genetically-modified foods, it’s even worse. An official admits they don’t even check Monsanto’s Roundup and its’ deadly glyphosate.  The explanation is that testing for that would be “too expensive”.  Here’s a summary of the eye-opening report from Dr. Joseph Mercola: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/27/glyphosate-gmo-pesticide-residue.aspx?e_cid=20150127Z1_DNL_RTLB_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150127Z1_RTLB&et_cid=DM67623&et_rid=820169969    

  • Known by our chefs….

    ….people like Bill and Diane Earle of Hume.  Bill had a nice phrase accompanying a picture of their Christmas ham…..”best ever”.  Bill wrote that he finds Thistle Hill pork “consistently excellent” but the ham was the best ever. We were going to break out a ham for Easter but the photos have us thinking we’ll move that treat up a little!

  • Calories in – calories out….

    ….another writer says not so fast. This is the latest in a series of stories de-bunking the long-held perceived wisdom on dieting.  Along the way it also questions that government’s past nutritional advice, which has left us a nation of unhealthy, overweight zombies.  My only other comment is I must be subconsciously thinking it’s time for a “trim”.  (sorry, link fixed…and scroll down) http://www.marksdailyapple.com/7-common-calorie-myths-we-should-all-stop-believing/?awt_l=Oih4F&awt_m=JNNDRlgs1xWvYa#axzz3O9iHJoUO&utm_source=Jan+11+News+Alert+-+Updated+Template&utm_campaign=150110&utm_medium=email

  • Dirt….just plain old dirt….

    ….as the foundation of civilization.  Okay, soil if you prefer.  An article in the National Geographic summarizes the main points.  It’s been our main focus at Thistle Hill for a number of years though Wooz prefers to look at our Devon. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/12/141205-world-soil-day-soil-agriculture-environment-ngfood/ Source:  Brown Ranch, North Dakota Facebook page.

  • A domestic scene….

    ….the second generation of our English Traditional Devon are now gracing our pastures….here and in South Carolina.  Pictured at Thistle Hill are two moms and their offspring….the “mums” are Tilbrook Cashtiller daughters by Cutcombe Jaunty. The AI bull calf in front is by Millennium Falcon….the heifer in back by TDA Highwayman.

  • As the old saying goes….

    ….it’s best not to examine too closely what goes into sausages and laws.  (Not Thistle Hill sausages, of course.  They’re 100% pure)  But an Italian supermarket had fun with some shoppers who were convinced to try freshly-made sausage.  How fresh?  Click on the link to find out. https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k1bG2EPGmI0?autoplay=1&vq=hd720&rel=0&showinfo=0&start=82&end=321 Thanks to Gisela Volkert of Koenigswinter, Germany for the link.

  • Well finally….

    ….a major scientific team has surfaced the news that, until now, has been known to only a few: the reason why Americans spend more and more on drugs and are sicker and sicker is due to what we eat.  And what we eat, in almost everything is:  Sugar! http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-01-scientific-team-alarm-sugar-source.html  


    ….just before 2015 joined us, we got the welcome, long-delayed news that all our English embryos, tied up for almost two years, had finally arrived in the United States. So we can now hope that some “Little Norahs” will soon be capering around the pastures.  That’s “Big Norah” on the right and her breeder, Ivan Rowe of Goldings Farm in Cornwall.  Norah, Buttercup and Snowdrop had been quarantined thanks to a minute gnat that carried the Schmallenburg virus across the Channel. The virus can cause birth defects and even death in calves and, because it was something of a mystery to the experts, they closed down the export of all genetic material. …