• A “take-down” of Whole Foods….

    ….outrage over the discovery that Whole Foods is a business…and not above taking advantage of the gullibility of some of its customers.  There’s also some anti-creationism thrown in.  Still, this is kind of amusing, particularly if you stick around for the comments. And worth plowing through just for this college-boy insight:  “Very few of us are anywhere near rational.  And pretty much all of are hypocrites.”   It’s a good line, though. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/23/whole-foods-america-s-temple-of-pseudoscience.html Thanks to Linda Rozett for the link.

  • The EPA stands guard….

    ….protecting our health!  Don’t dare light up a cigarette on the beach. But when it comes to pesticides in your food…the EPA says not to worry.  It’s just Monsanto doing its thing! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/02/26/bt-toxin-residues.aspx