• Decisions…decisions…

    It’s been a busy week at Thistle Hill…and so blogging has had to take a back seat.  But to explain: Inevitably, as you walk through your herd during the year, you make judgments: which one to keep and which one you can part with.  It’s never easy and generally comes down to which one has enough “backups” in the herd of the same bloodline.  It’s particularly difficult for Wooz who would keep all her babies….in the bedroom!  But finally, through negotiation, the decisions are made and waiting buyers are notified and shipment is arranged. But before any animals are shipped, pedigrees must be put in order, tail hairs pulled for…

  • The babysitter….

    ….is one of the unsung jobs in the herd but, in fact, it’s an important job and apparently something of an honor. Currently that position is being filled by that young steer , not even a year old, with four of his charges.  Several more  are just out of camera range. Normally, it’s an older cow that stays with the very young calves while the herd is off grazing.  Clearly that cow has power of attorney to control and even discipline those assigned to her.  When a calf is first born, her mother keeps her close by and doesn’t return to the herd for several days.  That’s the important bonding process…

  • We love hearing praise….

    ….from satisfied customers, whether it’s for our meat or our seed stock.  It’s particularly gratifying when that praise comes from experienced Devon breeders such as Linda and Rich Maurer of Madison, Virginia.  They bought a pregnant six-year old cow and a young heifer from Thistle Hill recently and the other day we received this email from Linda: “Thought you’d like to see the new calf, Frosty!  He is a BIG boy – 87 pounds, according to Rich.  He is eating and sleeping mostly.  Our Milking Devon almost literally hit the ground running.  All the beef Devon just eat and sleep for about 4 days before really testing their legs. “Anyway,…

  • White Gloves and Party Manners – 2

    We thought Wooz’ post on our “finishing school grads” was worth a picture.  She is certainly right (she taught me well, too) that visitors are quick to pick up on two things about our herd:  the obvious good health and vitality of the cows and how approachable they are. Veteran cattlemen can’t believe they can walk right up to our animals without them bolting, or at least shying away.  In fact, if you don’t approach our cows, they will approach you with a sniff or even a lick. Keeping the herd in a “mob”…that is grazing close together…has improved their sociability.  So has moving them every day to fresh grass. …

  • White Gloves and Party Manners

    This morning while watching our young herd of first-time mamas, yearlings and babies moving into their new pasture, I found myself remembering a book that my mother gave my daughter.  It was called White Gloves and Party Manners and was about being mannerly in all you do.  Now, you say, whatever was the connection? Everyday we move our girls from the small pasture they grazed yesterday to a new one full of fresh lush grass.  Even in November we have managed to keep verdant pastures.  That’s due to a trick called mob grazing that we’ve written about elsewhere.  Now, I want to tell you how these young ladies and one…

  • No, we haven’t forgotten….

    …our pigs.  They seemed to be a little slow to fatten this year but now they’re bulking up, thanks to all the acorns beneath those leaves. Normally, they’re curious critters.  When we’re working near the fence, they come up to see what we’re doing.  But ever since they discovered acorns they’ve only been interested in “Job One”. We get as many inquiries about when our pork will be ready as for our beef.  Frankly, we’ve never tasted pork chops or bacon as good as these Tamworth.  In fact, in England they’re called “the Bacon Breed”.  Until now, we haven’t been able to sell the bacon…just made it a gift to family…